Climatological maps of solar energy in Greece

The Hellenic Network of Solar Energy (HNSE) has been developed to support applications of solar energy with the combined use of ground-based measurements, satellite images and theoretical calculations with radiative transfer and weather forecasting models.

In this frame, HNSE provides climatological maps of global horizontal and direct normal irradiance (GHI and DNI respectively) in Greece for the period 2002-2012. Satellite-derived information of cloudiness, aerosol information and model calculations of solar irradiance are used in synergy to provide maps of the available solar power at a resolution of 0.05°x0.05°.


The maps are free for public use, their reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged:, Hellenic Network of Solar Energy, 2002-2012.

In case that you include any of these maps in your publications, the following reference should be cited:

Retrieval of surface solar irradiance, based on satellite-derived cloud information, in Greece, E. Nikitidou, A. Kazantzidis, P. Tzoumanikas, V. Salamalikis, A.F. Bais, Renewable Energy, 90, 776-783, 2015.

Neither the Members of the Hellenic Network of Solar Energy or any person acting on behalf of them is responsible for the use that might be made of these maps.

Andreas Kazantzidis
Associate Professor
Laboratory of Atmospheric PhysicsUniversity of Patras
26500 Patras
tel: +30 2610 997549